What’s a Design Day?

Does this sound familiar? As a solopreneur, you wear all the hats—CEO, marketing, legal, accounts receivable, IT, and more. Your to-do list is a mile long. Many women try to DIY everything, but end up postponing important tasks due to tech or design challenges or simply not having enough time.

So, what's the solution?

Coffee cup and notebook white desk

Outsource key graphic and website design tasks to a professional. While hiring a designer on retainer is one option, a more efficient way to tackle those important tasks quickly is with a Design Day. Investing in a Design Day can save you significant time and money because you’re not wasting hours figuring out design tools or struggling for ideas—you can focus on what you love to do.

What is a VIP Design Day?

A VIP Design Day is a streamlined service where I dedicate a full 7-hour day to working exclusively on your prioritized design tasks. This might include website updates, mini branding projects (like creating branding for your new podcast, course or special offer), or creating marketing materials. It’s a great solution for busy entrepreneurs who need high-quality design work done quickly, without breaking the bank.

Depending on the length of your to-do list, you can book one day, multiple days, or add half days to ensure everything gets done.

Woman grey couch with laptop and phone

What Can Be Accomplished During a Design Day?

In just one day, we can achieve a lot. Whether focusing on website or graphic design tasks—or a combination of both—here’s what we could accomplish:

Squarespace Website Design Day

  • Update your site with new content or branding

  • Redesign your homepage

  • Add new pages, like a sales landing page or a new service page

  • Create a one-page website

  • Move from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1

Graphic Design Day

  • Create cohesive brand collateral and marketing pieces

  • Design welcome guides for new clients or service/pricing guides for inquiries

  • Create branded intake forms

  • Develop PDF ‘opt-in’ lead magnets to boost interest in your services or course launch

  • Design email and blog graphic templates

  • Refresh your logo and color palette

  • Develop online course materials: worksheets, webinar slide decks, and thumbnail images for course video content

Woman typing on keyboard cup of coffee

Would a Design Day Work for Your Business?

If you’re a female entrepreneur or run an online business with a list of design tasks that need to be completed quickly and efficiently, a design day could be a game-changer. It’s ideal for those who can’t afford to pause their business for extended design projects and need quick, high-quality results. It’s perfect for when you want to hire a designer for just one day without a long, drawn-out process and high fees.

One thing to keep in mind when you are considering a design day, you're not purchasing a finished product; you're investing in a block of time. While I work efficiently, it’s important to understand that I can’t guarantee we'll complete everything on your wishlist in a single day. During our strategy meeting, we’ll prioritize tasks, focusing on essentials first and then addressing any 'nice-to-haves' if time allows. If we need extra time to tackle additional tasks, booking another day or half-day is always an option.

A design day would not be for you if:

  • Your project is a big one, for example you need a full, brand new website or branding,

  • You can’t guarantee that you will be available on your design day to give timely feedback,

  • You aren’t sure what you want, can’t make quick decisions or don’t have the content.

Woman working looking thoughtful

How Does a Design Day Work?

Strategy and planning are always part of the package. By planning what we want to get done and gathering all needed assets in advance, we can accomplish more and stay organized.

Here’s the process:

1. Book Your VIP Day

Fill out my contact form to connect so we can schedule a call to discuss what you want to accomplish during your design day.

2. Strategy Meeting

After booking, we’ll have a strategy meeting to go over the details of the work and your priority items. We’ll discuss and list the materials I’ll need before the design day (like copy, images, and other assets). 

3. VIP Day

Design day! We’ll be in contact throughout the day, so you have plenty of opportunities to give feedback and approve proofs, ensuring we're always headed in the right direction.

4. The Day After

You’ll receive your final files all packaged up and ready to go. If you had website work done, I will make sure that all your pages work flawlessly on mobile. Then it’s time to celebrate and share the results with the world! Have a question after the work is done? I’ve got you covered with email support for up to two weeks post-VIP Day, providing you with all the help you need to succeed.

At the end of this process, you’ll have high-quality, professionally crafted materials that enhance your business's image, boost your confidence, and elevate your client interactions and brand experience.


Think you’re ready to book a Design Day?

Head over to my VIP Design Day Service page and get it done in a day! If you want to schedule a quick Zoom chat to see if this is a good fit for your business, get in touch through my contact form, and we can discuss what we could tackle during a Design Day!

Hi, I’m Catherine.

I help female entrepreneurs and business owners confidently connect with their ideal clients with strategic design.

Catherine Hendry

Hi, I’m Catherine. I help female entrepreneurs and business owners confidently connect with their ideal clients with strategic design.


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