Get Unstuck.

Clarity Strategy Session: Brand & Website Audit

Untangle your offerings and boost your online presence with a one-on-one strategy session.

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Are you lost trying to unravel your website, branding, and marketing challenges?

Get back on the right path.

A Clarity Strategy Session is all about stepping away from the overwhelm and finding your bearings again. It's a focused moment of collaboration to gain insights and actionable steps to move your business forward.

No more sweating over every decision on your website or marketing materials—let's ditch the guesswork and embrace a fresh perspective. Say goodbye to second-guessing, and get a focused plan that truly works for you!

Get your confidence back with informed decisions.

Catherine Hendry on couch white tee
tan leather couch blanket flower vase

“You were able to understand the nature of my business and quickly create an easier site to navigate while making it more fun and creative.”

- Kathy Leader, The Art Process

Here are a few things we could cover:

  • Craft an engaging online experience: Ensure your website content captivates your audience from their first click.

  • Customer journey: Dive into the flow and structure of your site, making navigation a breeze and enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • Simplify and optimize your offers: Streamline your offerings for maximum impact.

  • Brand brilliance check: Does your brand truly mirror the high-quality services you provide?

  • Marketing setup: Are you drawing in leads effectively? Let's review and boost your marketing efforts for a sales-worthy impact.

Gain insights into your most pressing questions, receive a clear roadmap with strategic action steps, and get unstuck.


What’s included in your strategy session:

✣ A mini preliminary questionnaire to help you organize your thoughts before our call, ensuring you get the most out of our discussion.

✣ A 1.5-hour Zoom call where we'll roll up our sleeves and review your brand, website, and marketing channels. We’ll dig into your challenges, checking if your assets align with your business goals.

✣ Walk away with more than just ideas; you'll get an actionable 'next steps' document loaded with recommended actions and tips. It's your guide to making better business decisions.


  • If you’re not sure if this is what you need right now, we can chat about it. I’d be happy to hop on a quick call to see if this session would help you move forward.

  • I’ve had the pleasure of working with all sorts of service-based businesses—coaches, photographers, jewelry designers, artists, writers, and business consultants, to name a few. This session is all about digging into what makes your business unique, so everything we discuss will be tailored to you and your business.

  • Depending on your comfort level with tech and your website platform, you might be able to tackle my suggestions on your own. But if you need a bit of extra help, I’m here for you with half or full-day design services to get things done, worry-free.

  • During our time together, we’ll take a good look at your website to make sure your content and customer journey are set up to drive sales. If there are areas to improve, I’ll give you a clear plan with steps to boost your online presence and help you make those sales.

Book your Clarity Strategy Session at a time that’s convenient for you.

90 minute Zoom call | Next Steps Document | Investment: $250